Wall of Swords – Updated
This is the current state of my Wall of Awesome:

I keep telling myself (and my wife) that I have enough swords. That my Wall of Awesome is enough. But then I always find another thing to want. Since I started this blog, I have two new swords and a new axe. I’m now starting to look into armor. I want to feel what it’s like to wear a full suit of medieval armor.
The table and chair is where I sit to polish, oil, and do any other bits of care for my weapons. As they are all made of carbon steel (not stainless steel), they require upkeep. So when I first get a new item (after playing with it for a little bit 🙂 I sit down and give it a good look over. If anything needs to be taken care of (like a spot of rust), I fix it before adding it to the wall.
Fortunately, even with a very, very light coating of oil, these things will be safe from deterioration for months. Unfortunately, I like to take them off the wall and use them, probably too often. Usually I take them down just to handle them a bit: hold them in fighting guards, take practice swings, etc. But sometimes, every couple of months, I’ll take a few down to go outside and cut/stab water bottles. After a lot of handling, and after any water bottle cutting, I have to clean and oil them again. It may sound like a lot of work, but really, I spend maybe 1 hour a month with upkeep. It’s not much at all.
The mattress and blanket on the floor is where I sleep when I want to snuggle with a weapon overnight. [It’s a bed for our dogs to lie on.]
The Old Adventurer